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If you are pushed for cash, you may be rather concerned about how you are going to make it online. Actually you needn’t worry, because plenty of the most successful top marketers started out worse off than you.

You are fortunate in the fact that there are many ways you can build a successful business for yourself – for free – on the Internet. Writing pages of content, contributing in forums, and video presentations, are 3 of the ways you can get more free targeted traffic for your website

Create videos.
Videos are one hot online media topic these days. The number of people watching them increases by the day.

There’s more than enough choice of software you can use to make a short clip, of about 3 minutes, and record or capture straight from your screen – or if you’re feeling more adventurous – record yourself using a camcorder.

Now upload to You Tube and other online video sites, being careful to pick sought-after keywords to describe your recording.

Writing content.
Write content – lots of it – and target it to your niche market. You can find topics to write about in all the places where people go and surf.

You’ve opted for your niche because your researching revealed that there is a high demand for information about it. You will observe that the places where these potential clients frequent are a goldmine.

Within these goldmines are all the things you’ll ever need to write about; questions and problems that are desperate for answers – answers that you can deliver through you network, by feeding your list, forum posts and so on.

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Ian Jackson is an internet marketer who has written over 300 articles in print and 1 published ebook