Selenium Course Syllabus-

Java Programming Basics-

Installing Java
Installing Eclipse
First Eclipse Project
First Java program
Concept of class file
Datatypes in Java
String class and functions
Conditional Statements
Single Dimensional Arrays
Two Dimensional arrays
Practical usage of arrays in Selenium
What are Functions?
Function Input Parameters
Function Return Types
Object-Oriented Programming in Java
Local Variables
Global Variables
Static and Non-Static Variables
Static and Non-Static Functions
Creating Objects in Java
Meaning of static
Why is main method static?
Object and Object References
Call by reference and Value
Overloading and Overriding Functions
Access Modifiers – Public/Private/Default/Protected
Usage of Objects in Selenium
Usage of Inheritance in Selenium
Creating Packages
Accessing Classes across Packages

Exception Handling-

Exception handing with try catch block
Importance of exception handling
Exception and Error
Throwable Class
Final and Finally
Throw and Throws
Different Types of Exceptions
Need of exception handling in Selenium framework

Automating Excel file Operations-

Creating/Opening XLS Files
Reading/Writing Microsoft XLS Files
Counting Rows and Columns
Filling BG/Font Colours
Practical Examples

Automating Text File Operations

Creating/Opening Text Files
Reading/Writing Text Files
Practical Examples

Automating Database Operations

Connecting to Databases
SQL Server
Sending SQL Queries to Database
Process the Results
Practical Examples



What is Selenium?
Who developed Selenium?
Selenium Components

Selenium IDE

Installing Selenium IDE
Creating your First Selenium IDE script
How to use Locators in Selenium IDE
How to enhance a script using Selenium IDE
Creating and Running Tests
Creating and Running Test Suite

WebDriver Introduction

Introduction to WebDriver & Comparison with Selenium RC
Installing Selenium WebDriver
Architecture of selenium Webdriver
Creating your First Script in Webdriver

Launching AUT and Inspecting properties of Elements

Launching AUT in FireFox
Launching AUT in InternetExplorer
Launching AUT in Chrome
Launching AUT in Safari
Inspecting properties of Elements on different Browsers
Installing FireBug and FirePath
Creating FireFox Profile

Automating Operations on various Elements

Check Box
Radio Button
HTML Tables

Automating Keyboard and Mouse Events

Action Class
KeyBoard Events
Drag & Drop Actions
Mouse Hover Action
RightClick, Double Click & Tool Tip

Handling multiple Windows

Switching between windows
Handling elements present in different windows

Handling Alerts


Handling Frames

What is iFrame?
Locating Frames
Switching between Frames
Handling Frames

Handling Ajax Components

Handling Ajax Components

Creating Customize XPath/CSS Selectors

What is XPath
When to Use XPath
Absolute XPath/Relative XPath
Specifying conditions with XPath
CSS Selectors
Customizing CSS Selector



What is TestNG?

Advantages of TestNG over JUnit
Why do we need TestNG in Selenium?
Installing TestNG in Eclipse
Creating a New TestNG Test File
Test annotation
Running the Test
Checking reports created by TestNG
Generating HTML Reports
Annotations used in TestNG
Validating Tests with Assertions
Creating multiple Tests
Prioritizing Tests
Parameterizing Tests with dataProvider
TestNG dataProvider with Excel
Creating and Running Test Suites with TestNG.xml
Parallel Test Execution with TestNG
Cross Browser Testing using TestNG

Automation Test Frameworks

Modular Driven Framework
Keyword Driven Framework
Data Driven Framework
Hybrid Framework

Page Object Model (POM) & Page Factory in Selenium

What is POM
Why POM?
Advantages of POM
Creating POM Tests
What is Page Factory?
Creating Tests with Page Factory

Database Testing using Selenium

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
Driver Manager
Connecting to DataBases
Sending SQL Queries to Database
Processing Results
Real-time examples of Database Testing with Selenium


Installing AutoIT
Components of AutoIT
Using FinderTool
AutoIT commands
Creating Scripts in AutoIT
Creating executable files
Running AutoIT Scripts from Selenium

Selenium GRID

What is Selenium Grid?
When to Use Selenium Grid?
What is a Hub and Node?
How to Install and Use Grid 2.0?
Designing Test Scripts That Can Run on the Grid
Using the DesiredCapabilites Object
Using the RemoteWebDriver Object
Running a Sample Test Case on the Grid
Sequential and Parallel Test Execution
Running Tests on different Operating Systems
Running Tests on different Browsers

Maven & Jenkins


What is Maven and Why Maven?
Installing/Configuring Maven
Creating Maven Project
Importing Maven Project into Eclipse
What is POM.xml?
Adding Dependencies to POM.xml


Installing/Configuring Jenkins
Scheduling Test Execution in Jenkins
Auto mail configuration in Jenkins
What is continues integration?
Continues integration with JENKINS


Downloading and Installing GIT
Installing GIT and GITHUB plug-ins for JENKINS
Configuring SSH host keys for GIT and JENKINS
GIT Bash commands
Uploading project to GIT


Introduction about Logging
Logging problems without Log4J
How to solve Logging problem with Log4J
What is Layout?
Different types of Layouts in Log4J

What is Appender?

Different types of Appenders

What is the use of selenium?

Selenium is a powerful mineral that is essential for the proper functioning of your body. It plays a critical role in metabolism and thyroid function and helps protect

your body from damage caused by oxidative stress.

What is selenium and how it works?

Selenium is an open-source tool that automates web browsers. It provides a single interface that lets you write test scripts in programming languages like Ruby, Java, NodeJS, PHP, Perl, Python, and C#, among others.

Is Selenium good to learn?

Yes, its worth to learn selenium, not just selenium but you can always learn any automation tools which are available in current market. As the entire Industry is not just moving, its being shifting. Test Automation, RPA and AI Based Selenium Testing is emerging in Market.

What is Selenium tool?

Selenium is a portable framework for testing web applications. Selenium provides a playback tool for authoring functional tests without the need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). … The tests can then run against most modern web browsers. Selenium runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Is Selenium easy to learn?

Learning Selenium is not really tough, however, it requires a good disciple and strategic road map to learn it fast. Therefore, in order to gain better understanding and familiarity, one should target four things: Java, Selenium Webdriver, TestNg and Frameworks to learn automation testing with Selenium.

What are the basics of selenium?

Selenium suite is comprised of 4 basic components; Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, WebDriver, and Selenium Grid. The user is expected to choose wisely the right Selenium tool for his/her needs.

Is Selenium a tool or API?

Definition: Selenium WebDriver is a collection of open source APIs which are used to automate the testing of a web application. Description: Selenium WebDriver tool is used to automate web application testing to verify that it works as expected. It supports many browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, and Safari.

Advantages of Selenium Live Project Training-

In the recent past, there was a rush for Selenium training courses, as there is a huge demand for Selenium experts today. According to many industry experts, this demand will further increase in the near future as there are many web-based applications developed, to meet the new requirements. These new requirements are increasing, as many new areas are being computerized.

Of all courses, Selenium testing online training courses have gained more popularity and wide acceptance, as it enables even working professionals to attend the course without leaving their job and without disturbing their present schedules.

Online courses are almost like in-class courses, as the Selenium videos provided by the trainer as study materials will help the trainees to learn the subject without the help of a third person. And also trainers will provide chat facility for the students to contact and clear off the doubts if any. Besides, each student will get a free access to a community of Selenium experts. This community can also be used for clearing doubts and for exchanging ideas.

Selenium Live Project training is a part of all Selenium testing training courses and it has great significance. When you undergo online training, Selenium Live Project training videos will be provided to you and it will contain guidelines for the projects. This can be kept as a referral book for future use.

Then several teams will be formed and each team will be provided with a task. The team members should interact before taking any step. Similarly, inter-team communication is also necessary. Thus it helps fresher’s to get familiarized with the atmosphere of teamwork.

You will be working with many experts as teamwork in Selenium, which help you to build new contacts. This will help you in future while searching for better job opportunities. Besides, you will come across with many problems and issues that may come while working with live projects as a part of your career. By solving such issues with the help of experts you will get a better idea about the Selenium technology and how to work with live projects.

Certain trainers are offering Selenium Live Project for the resume. In this case, the trainees who took part in the project will be provided with an experience certificate and they can add this experience to their resume. Thus, the chances of getting better jobs will be more.

Now you might have convinced about the advantages of Selenium Live Project training. Hence, you should always go with the trainer who provides Selenium Live Project training as a part of their Selenium Testing training.

Selenium Webdriver Training Details

Selenium is already known as the best test automation tool for testing web-based applications. At this time, when websites are the major medium for advertising and marketing, many new web-based applications are being developed to attract more clients and to serve the existing clients better. At this juncture, testing of web-based applications is necessary to ensure overall performance.

Selenium web driver is the latest technology, which allows you to execute tests without the help of Selenium remote control (Server). This has eased the process of testing. Actually, the time consumed for testing has made it easy for people to work with Selenium WebDriver. Software applications are made cheaper, which is necessary to survive in this highly competitive market.

When Selenium has emerged as the most preferred test automation tool, there came up many Selenium training courses. When Selenium technology has updates, naturally these courses will also be updated and now there are many Selenium WebDriver training courses.

Selenium WebDriver training online courses are more popular as there are many advantages for online courses. Few are mentioned below. You do not need any classroom to learn the subject, instead you can learn it from a place of your choice. You do not need to learn on a specific time but can learn at a time of your convenience. These two features make it easy for working professionals to pursue the course without disturbing their daily schedule. At a time when experts from different sectors of software development entered into the testing field, this is really a blessing for people like this. Selenium Web Driver tutorials online do not have any political boundaries of nations and one can learn the technology from the world’s most popular and best trainers irrespective of the geographical positioning of trainers and trainees. Selenium Web Driver videos, provided as study material will help trainees to learn the subject without the help of a third person. Even then, professional trainers have provided facilities of chatting to clarify doubts of trainees. This will help you learn the subject more clearly as if you are sitting in a classroom.

By joining Selenium Webdriver online training, one will get free access to a community of experts. This will help them clarify their doubts and share new ideas. Besides, you can build new contacts from this community which will help you to get timely information about new job opportunities.
As a part of Selenium Webdriver training, all the trainees will be given an opportunity to work on live projects. This will help them understand the working of the tool more clearly and also make them familiar with problems and issues that they may face in future, when they have to work with live projects as a part of their career. Besides, it also gives them experience of teamwork which will be more useful in the future.
Work experience gained through working on real time projects can be mentioned in their resumes to give it more value.

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