Module 1 – Introduction to Python and Computer Programming

Python – a tool, not a reptile
There is more than one Python
Let’s start our Python adventure

Module 2 – Data Types, Variables, Basic Input-Output Operations, Basic Operators

Your first program
Python literals
Operators – data manipulation tools
Variables – data-shaped boxes
How to talk to computer?

Module 3 – Boolean Values, Conditional Execution, Loops, Lists and List Processing, Logical and Bitwise Operations

Making decisions in Python
Python’s loops
Logic and bit operations in Python
Lists – collections of data
Sorting simple lists – the bubble sort algorithm
Lists – some more details
Lists in advanced applications

Module 4 – Functions, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Data Processing

Writing functions in Python
How functions communicate with their environment?
Returning a result from a function
Scopes in Python
Let’s make some fun… sorry, functions
Tuples and dictionaries

Module 5 – Modules, Packages, String and List Methods, and Exceptions

Using modules
Some useful modules
What is package?
Errors – the programmer’s daily bread
The anatomy of exception
Some of the most useful exceptions
Characters and strings vs. computers
Python’s nature of strings
String methods
Strings in action
Four simple programs

Module 6 – The Object-Oriented Approach: Classes, Methods, Objects, and the Standard Objective Features; Exception Handling, and Working with Files

Basic concepts of object programming
A short journey from procedural to object approach
Inheritance – one of object programming foundations
Exceptions once again
Generators and closures
Processing files
Working with real files

Is it easy to learn Python?

Python is easy to learn. Its syntax is easy and code is very readable. Python has a lot of applications. It’s used for developing web applications, data science, rapid application development, and so on.

Can I learn python in 2 months?

Learn in 2 months:

If you are super serious (kind of crazy), you can learn Python in 2 months. You have to be super dedicated and extremely regular. Learning Python will be a full-time activity. You will start at 8.00 am and you keep doing it until 5.00pm

Is Python enough to get a job?

Python might be enough to get a job, but most jobs require a set of skills. … For example, you might get a job to write Python code that connects to a MySQL database. To build a web application, you need Javascript, HTML, and CSS. If you want to get into machine learning, you need to know about mathematical modeling.

Is Python a good career?

Python is not only one of the most popular programming languages across the globe, but it is one that offers the most promising career opportunities as well. This demand for Python developers is increasing every year. There is a reason why this high-level programming language is so popular

What job can I do with Python?

Entry-Level Python Jobs
Entry-Level Software Developer.
Quality Assurance Engineer.
Junior Python Developer.
Python Full Stack Developer.
GIS Analyst.
Senior Python Developer.
Data Scientist.
Machine Learning Engineer

What’s next after Python basics?

There are many opportunities and careers after learning Python. So, you ought to learn HTML, CSS, a small amount of Javascript, and Django to become a full-stack web developer (the one who can create a whole web application).

How long will it take to learn Python?

around 8 weeks
It takes around 8 weeks to learn Python basics on average. This includes learning basic syntax, links if statements, loops, variables, functions, and data types.

Enter Into the Programming World With Python Training=

The Engineering curriculums in India suggest the colleges to start the programming classes for the students with C, followed by C++ and Java. This has created an assumption that ‘C’ kick-starts the coding lessons for freshers. A simple metaphor would help you understand the difference between starting programming lessons with C and Python better. To learn programming with C or C++ is like trying to drive by learning how to manufacture, assemble, and then use a car.

You will eventually learn to drive, but at the cost of unnecessary pressure and information a little too soon than required. However, if one starts with Python training it would be like learning to drive automatic. So, you need not know how the engine works, how to assemble, what your car can and cannot do etc. The only thing you get to do initially is what you ought to do, i.e. programming. Later comes, the technical aspects.

Python can be used to process anything that can be saved on a computer like numbers, text, data, images, statistics etc. Its easy-to-use feature will keep programmers engaged and excited as they begin to learn Python. It has become famous with its characteristics like easy indentation, naming conventions, modularity etc. Python is widely used in the daily operations of Google, NASA, New York Stock Exchange and our favorite video sharing website, YouTube. Not just in the industry big shots, Python is extensively used even in business, government and non-government organizations too.

Python is called an interpreted language. This means the code written in Python is converted to computer-readable code at the program run time. Initially, Python was called a Scripting Language, suggesting its use only in trivial jobs. But as the time advanced, its user-friendly features started surfacing making it the most commonly used language for writing large programs. The 4 features that created such high demand for Python training are:

High level Language:

Python is a high level language. It means that it provides a level of abstraction that helps you focus on algorithms and the functionality of the code. You need not worry about the low-level details like Manual memory management etc. Also, there is a huge library of pre-coded functionalities for almost any need.


The main aspect that makes Python a friendly language is its runtime. Features like dynamic typing, easy introspection and reflection all make coding easier and reduces the time of programming.

Expressive Syntax:

Expressive syntax includes: how easy it is to express an idea and how concisely can you do it. Python training allows you to write complex codes within few lines, still keeping its readability intact.


It is the key strength of Python. Instead of curly braces, indentation helps in easy readability and understandability of the program. Well-indented code delimits the blocks of code in a program. It is very important for writing or understanding a code.

Thus, with the above features, Python training can very well act as a mentoring course to freshers. It allows them to focus on problem decomposition and data type design rather than dealing with trivial implementation issues. The concepts like procedures, loops or user-defined objects can be instilled their brains in the very first course.

It can be stated as a bottom line that Python is a fresher-friendly yet a powerful language, that lets the beginners focus on algorithms, abstracting away low level implementation details, making it the best first programming language.

Python Training Course – How to Choose One

If you’re looking for a Python training course, the choices can seem bewildering and overwhelming. There are actually sites on the web that claim they can teach you Python in less than half an hour! That’s nonsense, of course. But you’d be surprised how many people fall for that sort of advertising tactic. (Don’t be one of them.)

On the other hand, there are also three day boot camps which cost a thousand dollars and up (plus hundreds of dollars in plane fare, hotel and dining costs). These are legitimate, and many of them offer excellent training, but for most people they’re not really the best choice. These boot camp style events are best if you a) already have quite a bit of experience in programming other computer languages and b) need to learn Python in a hurry for a work assignment. In fact, it’s likely that most of the people attending these boot camps aren’t paying their own tuition – their employers are paying for them to attend.

But what if you’re a complete newbie with Python? What if you want to learn this versatile and cutting edge language but you don’t have any experience in programming, let alone a couple thousand dollars to spend on a boot camp? Are there any Python training courses that are suitable for you? Yes, there are! Some are better than others, of course. Here are some tips to help you choose a good Python training course or book: Make sure it’s really suited for true beginners – many books and courses use the word “beginners” very loosely. They may be assuming you have a little bit of experience with Python, just not advanced knowledge of the language. You’ve got to double check that before purchasing. Make sure the lessons are short and easy to digest, so that you can proceed rapidly, but without getting overwhelmed. Price is another important consideration. You shouldn’t pay more than $100 for a beginner’s Python course. Some companies charge more, because Python training is such a hot market right now, but you can find a great beginner’s course in Python for well under $100.

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