Java Course Syllabus

Why Java
Diff B/W Java & Other (C,C++)
Java History
Java Features
Java programming format
Java Statements
Java Data Types

OOPS (Object Oriented Programming & Systems)

This Key Word
Super Key Word
Polymorphism (Over Loading & Over Riding)
Introduction to all predefined packages
User Defined Packages
Access Specifiers

STRING Manipulation

String Buffer


What is Array
Single Dimensional Array
Multi Dimensional Array
Sorting of Arrays


Exception Handling

Pre Defined Exceptions
Throws, throw
User Defined Exception examples

I/O Streams

Byte-oriented streams
Character – oriented streams


Thread Creations
Thread Life Cycle
Life Cycle Methods
Wait() notify() notify all() methods

Wrapper Classes

Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character
Boolean classes

Inner Classes

Member Inner Class
Static Inner Class
Local Inner Class
Anonymous Inner Class

Collection Frame Work

Util Package interfaces, List, Set, Map
List Interface 7 Its Classes
Set Interface & Its Classes
Map Interface & Is Classes


Individual Components Lable, Button, Check Box, Radio Button,
Choice, List, Menu, Text Field, Text Area


Introduction Diff B/W AWT and SWING
Components hierarchy
Individual Swings components J Label
JButton, JTextField, JTextAres

Advanced Java Syllabus (J2EE Course Syllabus)

Introduction to Enterprise Edition
Distributed Multitier Applications
J2EE Containers
Web Services Support
Packaging Applications
J2EE 1.4 APIs

Web Server and Application Server

Overview, installation, Configuring Tomcat
Jboss server-Introduction
Overview,installation and Configuration


Basics of SQL queries
SQL Joins


JDBC Architecture
Types of Drivers
Result Set=
Read Only Result Set
Updatable Result Set
Forward Only Result Set
Scrollable Result Set
Prepared Statement


Web application Architecture
HTTP Protocol & HTTP Methods
Web Server & Web Container
Servlet Interface
Servlet Life Cycle
Servlet Config
Servlet Context
Servlet Communication

Servlet-Browser Communication=
Web-Component Communication=
Servlet-Applet Communication

  1. Session Tracking Mechanisms
    Http Session
    Hidden-Form Fields
  2. Filters & Wrappers
  3. Listeners
    15 Web-Security


Jsp LifeCycle
Jsp Implicit Objects & Scopes

Jsp Directives

Jsp Scripting Elements


JSP Actions

 Standard Actions

useBean tag
setProperty tag
getProperty tag
include tag
forward tag
param tag
plug-in tag
params tag
fallback tag
directives tag
scriptlet tag
expression tag

Custom Actions

Classic Tags
Simple Tags

What is Java training?

Java Training will: Introduce you to the Java programming language and technology to create secure, portable, high-performance applications. Learn how to build scalable business services that feed dynamic web and mobile applications using Java EE.

Is Java a beginner?

From that experience, I can say that Java is undoubtedly one of the best programming languages for beginners. If you have already made up your mind to learn Java, then you can join The Complete Java Masterclass to start your journey into the beautiful world of Java.

Is Java certification hard?

Oracle’s Java Certification has a tough passing percentage, close to 65% for both OCAJP (the Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer) and OCPJP (the Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer). You need in-depth knowledge of the Java language and API to succeed in the exam

How many days will it take to learn Java?

If you don’t know Java at all, then first of all to learn theoretical concepts you need at least are 25 days. And to implement those concept practically at the immediate level you need at least 30 to 40 days. Basically, it is the around the three month course to learn a Java with some basic concepts of advanced Java.

Is Python better than Java?

Python wins again. Performance is where Java has a substantial advantage over Python. Java’s just-in-time compilation gives it an advantage over Python’s interpreted performance. While neither language is suitable for latency-sensitive applications, Java is still a great deal faster than Python

Is a Java certification worth it?

Java Certification looks very good on the resume. Especially if you do not have outstanding academic records or something on extracurricular which stands out, go for Java certification. This will fill your gaps in the resume. It also sometimes acts as a filtering criterion

Can you learn Java in 3 months?

Yes, Learning java in 3 months is possible. Although, it would require a lot of time to master it but at least in three months you can get good knowledge about Java SE. I would suggest invest more than three months and try to make a small project using java, this is how you can actually learn it.

Introduction to Java – A Brief Overview

Java is a broadly useful PC programming language that is simultaneous, class-based, object-oriented, and particularly intended to have as few execution conditions as could be expected under the circumstances. It is planned to let application designers “write once, run anywhere” (WORA), Implying that accumulated code can keep running on all stages that bolster it without the requirement for recompilation. applications are commonly ordered to bytecode that can keep running on any Java virtual machine (JVM) paying little respect to PC building design. Starting 2015, it is a standout amongst the most well known programming dialects in use, especially for customer server web applications, with a reported 9 million developers. It was initially created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has following been gained by Oracle Corporation) and discharged in 1995 as a center segment of Sun Microsystems’ Java stage. The language infers a lot of its syntax from C and C++, however it has less low-level facilities than both of them.

The first and reference execution its compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were initially discharged by Sun under proprietary licenses. As of May 2007, in consistence with the details of its Community Process, Sun relicensed the majority of its advances under the GNU General Public License. Others have likewise created elective executions of these Sun innovations, for example, the GNU Compiler for Java (bytecode compiler), GNU Classpath (standard libraries), and IcedTea-Web (program plugin for applets).

The most recent adaptation is Java 8, which is the only version currently supported for free by Oracle, although earlier versions are supported both by Oracle and other companies on a commercial basis. It is a universally useful, high-level programming language created by Sun Microsystems. A little group of architects, known as the Green Team, started the dialect in 1991. it was initially called OAK, and was intended for handheld gadgets and set-top boxes. Oak was unsuccessful, so in 1995 Sun changed the name to Java and adjusted the language to exploit the blossoming World Wide Web.

Later, in 2009, Oracle Corporation gained Sun Microsystems and took responsibility for key Sun programming resources: Java and Solaris.

Java Today

Today it is an ordinarily utilized establishment for creating and conveying content on the Web. As indicated by Oracle, there are more than 9 million Java designers overall and more than 3 billion cell telephones run it.

An Object-Oriented Language

It is an object-oriented language similar to C++, however rearranged to dispose of language components that cause regular programming mistakes. Its source code records (documents with expansion) are ordered into a configuration called bytecode (records with a.class augmentation), which can then be executed by a Its interpreter. Arranged Java code can keep running on most PCs on the grounds that Java interpreter and runtime environments, known as Java Virtual Machines (VMs), exist for most working frameworks, including UNIX, the Macintosh OS, and Windows. Bytecode can likewise be changed over straightforwardly into machine language instructions by a just-in-time compiler (JIT). In 2007, most Java advancements were discharged under the GNU General Public License.

Java on the Web

It is a broadly useful programming language with various components that make the language appropriate for use on the World Wide Web. Little Java applications are called Java applets and can be downloaded from a Web server and keep running on your PC by a Java-compatible Web browser.

Applications and sites utilizing it won’t work unless it is introduced on your gadget. When you download it, the product contains the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which is expected to keep running in a Web browser. A segment of the JRE, the Java Plug-in programming permits Java applets to keep running inside different browsers.

Free Java Download

The official Java site gives links to freely download the most recent variant of it. You can utilize the site to learn more about downloading it, verify it is installed on your computer, remove older versions, troubleshoot Java or report an issue. After installing It, you will need to restart your Web browser.

Java for a Great Career

About JAVA

Java is an object-oriented computer programming language released by Sun Microsystems IN 1995. Mobile phones to scientific supercomputers, most of the devices employ the usage of Java applications. Java programming derives most of its syntax from C and C++. It is one of the fastest, simplest and reliable platforms as it is one of the most widely used programming languages due to its simplified coding and dynamic functioning.

Variety of certification courses are available for various IT professionals who aspire to gain expertise in Java development and programming. Java programming has 50 JVM languages. A complete java training program incorporates practical knowledge and hands-on experience of object-oriented concepts. Apart from this, there are many other topics covered in the course. The course would ask for some prerequisites in the trainee i.e. for instance, as a learner one is expected to have worked on a programming language (C/C++); basic concepts of HTML, database, and SQL syntax etc. The salary and perks offered to a Java developer is an added advantage which in turn add to brighter career scenarios.

How does Java work?

A Java application is compiled to Java bytecode which is the instruction set for Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Java compiler does not translate Java codes directly to machine code instead it first translates the Java program to BYTECODE which is essentially an object file for a virtual machine that uses the extension.class This byte-code is created for a virtual platform known as the Java Virtual Machine or JVM.

The bytecode verifier in the JVM then checks the bytecode after which the JVM converts the bytecode to a machine-friendly code. To be more specific it is the Just In Time (JIT) compiler of the JVM which is responsible for this conversion. It also keeps the track of the frequently repeated byte-codes so as not to repeat the compilation of same codes again and again.

This is how Java functions. As the JVM converts the bytecode to a machine specific code, therefore we have different JVMs for different Java platforms because JVMs are not platform independent, the platform independence that Java shows is a layer of abstraction, under which dependence on the platform actually exists.

Some advantages of JAVA:
It is an open source programming language, so does not require heavy license fees each year.
It is Platform independent.
Java API’s can easily be accessed by the Java developers.
Java always allocates the objects on the stack.
Java embraces the concept of exception and specifications.
Incorporated with multi-platform support language as well as web-services support.
Promotes the development of dynamic web applications.
Java programming allows the creation of modular programs and reusable codes.
Enables secure and high-performance software development.

Java programmers are in demand all over the world. Experienced professionals with Java certification earn higher packages. The job roles one can apply for after completing certification course is that of a Web developer, Software Developer, Application Developer and more. The career prospects in Java Programming are very bright and promise a long term career opportunities by helping them to acquire their dream jobs in the respective field.

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